Enquiry form

Our Methodology

Did you Know ?

According to a study from McGill University, most of us retain knowledge in these capacities.
We generally remember:

Paper-Pen Learning
10% of what
we read
Paper-Pen Learning
20% of what
we hear
Paper-Pen Learning
30% of what
we see
Paper-Pen Learning
50% of what
we both see and hear
Paper-Pen Learning
70% of what
we actively discuss with others
Paper-Pen Learning
80% of what we
experience personally
Paper-Pen Learning
95% of what
we teach to others

Our Methodology follows the above research to ensure maximum retention of knowledge.

To ensure maximum knowledge retention for a well Balanced Brain Development,
our methodology is a right mix of following techniques of learning.

Paper-Pen Learning
Paper-Pen Learning
Paper-Pen Learning
Paper-Pen Learning
Paper-Pen Learning
Hands on
Paper-Pen Learning
One to One
Paper-Pen Learning
Teaching the
peer groups
Paper-Pen Learning
Problem Solving
in Live situations

This is done by recognizing a Child's Learning Behaviour !

We try to assess every Child's interest & inclination in various areas and streams to gain a deeper understanding of the learning behaviour and impart education to hone their skills likewise.

As per various research, every child exhibits a unique learning behaviour. Maximum development of the Child's brain can be done only when the teaching methodology, he is exposed to has a major portion of what matches his/her learning behaviour.